Some more trades!

13 09 2012

Right before moving to Chicago, I got a bunch of trades in.  The first was a whopper with Mike, a reader of the blog.  I literally didn’t have the time to scan the highlights of these cards to the level I’d usually prefer.  Mike sent me over so much that I had to get these cards into their appropriate place in time for the move to Chicago I’ve got coming up.  So instead of a detailed walk-through, let’s suffice it to say he sent a ton of this year’s Ginter, and a ton of Topps inserts from the last few years.

If you’re keeping score at home (like I am) – that’s 6 team bags filled up fairly full.  And there was a 7th that I couldn’t scan because scanners only have room for 6!  And, this is trade #34 for me in 2012.  So thanks for the trade Mike!

I completed another trade (trade #35!) just before the move, this time with a common trading partner – everybody’s favorite Dimwit!  This one was a little more manageable, so I did scan a few highlights – Sam sent over some Archives, Ginter and a few Gypsy Queen inserts.  The Mantle below finished off the Moonshots insert set for me.  Thanks Sam!



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